Steve Repetti, Speaker
Over the course of his career, Mr. Repetti has spoken at a number of events related to:
- Business
- Technology
- Finance
- Financial Services
- Music and Entertainment
Audience sizes have ranged from a few dozen to many thousands.
Recent engagements have included:
- MashupCamp 2008, Mountain View, CA
"Mashup Platforms and Distribution Methodologies"
- Web 2.0, San Francisco, CA
"Data Portability, OpenSocial, and Social Networking"
- Winter Music Conference, Miami, FL
"Effective Music Marketing in the Digital Era - from MySpace to Print and More"
- Red Herring East, Boston, MA
"Open Source Roundtable"
Additionally, as a technology spokesperson, Mr. Repetti has been featured in a number of video and print interviews regarding a variety of topics, including:
VIDEO/BLOG: "Information Week Interview of Zude Chairman/Co-founder, Steve Repetti"
Published July 8, 2008, by Alexander Wolfe, Information Week [Read the blog]
VIDEO: "TechWebTV Interview of Zude CTO, Steve Repetti"
April 23, 2008, by Fritz Nelson, TechWebTV
VIDEO: "OpenSocial Developer Interview: Steve Repetti from Zude"
April 22, 2008, by Patrick Chanezon, Developer Advocate, Google
VIDEO: "Data Portability with CTO of Zude"
March 31, 2008, by 5G/FifthGen
VIDEO/BLOG: "Cool alert: Zude, Visual development environment for the Web"
Scoble said: "...if you haven’t seen Zude before, that’s pretty cool in of itself. It’s like MySpace, PopFly, Facebook, and a bunch of other things mashed all together. But today (Steve Repetti) was here to let me look under the covers of Zude...There was so much that I kept shooting with my cell phone. This is simply amazing. I can’t say enough about what this tool is trying to do..."
March 19, 2008, by Robert Scoble, Scobleizer
See the IN THE NEWS section for more...